Diebold supplies you with an extensive range of zero point clamping systems, pallets and vices from various well-known manufacturers. We advise you brand-neutral so that you always get the best clamping system for your application.

Diebold supplies you with a comprehensive range of zero point clamping systems, pallets and vices. In each case ideally combined for your application in milling and eroding. We can deliver zero point clamping systems from Parotec, Erowa and other manufacturers. We are brand-independent. For us, customer benefit is always in the foreground. It is important to us that we can always offer the best solution for the customer application. Manufacturers and their sales partners are always fixated on their own system and cannot flexibly offer the optimal clamping device. To this end, we have entered into partnerships with well-known manufacturers of high-quality clamping systems for workpiece clamping. You can obtain the vices you want from us and the pallets that are suitable for your zero point clamping system. We also deliver both, fully assembled and aligned, i.e. ready for immediate use. Automatic loading, prior to machining and preparation of the jobs parallel to production, result in up to five times more productive hours per system. Clear competitive advantages arise through the productive use of night and weekend hours. Palletizing systems and the right clamping systems are the decisive prerequisites for efficient, flexible and competitive production. This gives you many ways to make your production more productive step by step and to streamline your processes. With zero point clamping systems, the production of small series and even individual parts is significantly rationalized. Many customers tell us afterwards that they should have tackled it much earlier if they had known about the increase in output and the achievable cost reduction. Your machines only bring the right profit if they also produce unmanned. The chips should fly in shifts, during breaks and in the marginal and night hours, and even unmanned on weekends. In order to achieve this goal, a long-term, flexible manufacturing concept that is geared towards maximum productivity is necessary. We support you in the introduction of highly profitable clamping systems. In well-dosed steps, the concept is implemented in reality and fits perfectly into the “Industry 4.0” strategy of every company.